
绝地求生 183




Redmi K30


推荐理由:Redmi K30 5g手机目前应该是5G手机市场中最便宜的一款了,搭载骁龙768G处理器,性能比较强悍,120Hz的刷新率,操作反应速度更快,索尼6400万后置四摄在拍照方面也十分有优势,其续航方面,4500毫安大电池+30W快充,不用担心一天手机耗电量的问题了



Sold Out-Hawk Nelson

Hoo hoo hoo hey

Hoo hoo hoo hey

I ain't like no one you met before

I'm running for the front

When they're all running for the door

And I won't sit down won't back out

You can't ever shut me up

'Cause I'm on a mission

And I won't quit now

In a world full of followers

I'll be a leader

In a world full of doubters

I'll be a believer

I'm stepping out without a hesitation

Because the battle's already been won

I'm sold out

I'm no longer living

Just for myself

Running after Jesus

With my whole heart

And now I'm ready to show

I am sold out

I'm sold out

With every single

Step that I take now

Left in my veins

I'm gonna be making it count

I am sold out

This ain't just some temporary phase

You can't face this kind of grace

And leave the way you came

This is permanent with intent

I'm on a mission and it's heaven sent

In a world full of followers

I'll be a leader

In a world full of doubters

I'll be a believer

I'm stepping out without a hesitation

'Cause my soul is like a stadium

I'm sold out

I'm no longer living

Just for myself

Running after Jesus

With my whole heart

And now I'm ready to show

I am sold out

I'm sold out

With every single

Step that I take now

Left in my veins

I'm gonna be making it count

I am sold out

No trials coming against me

Could put a dent in my passion

To put my faith into action

In a world full of followers

I'll be a leader

In a world full of doubters

I'll be a believer

I'm stepping out without a hesitation

I ain't got nothing left to be afraid

I'm sold out yeah

I'm no longer living

Just for myself

Running after Jesus

With my whole heart yeah

And now I'm ready to show

I am sold out

I'm sold out

With every single

Step that I take now






版权声明 本文地址:https://www.pv985.cn/pv/7825.html